Cindy Jagorska

Cindy Jagorska
PhD Student


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I am a PhD student at the Technical University Berlin. I received my B.Sc. at the University of Hamburg in Psychology. While pursuing my bachelor’s degree I worked as a student research assistant at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf in the research group for neuronal plasticity. After moving to Berlin, I continued working as a student researcher at the Clinical Research Unit at the Charité. Following my bachelor’s degree, I started my master’s degree in Human Factors at the Technical University Berlin, a master program focusing on human interaction with technology. During that time, I started my work as a student researcher in the department of Biological Psychology and Neuroergonomics with Martin Riemer. Since then, I started to focus on the interaction of time and space perception in humans. I am looking forward to delving further into space-time interferences in perception in the future, where we will investigate this topic specifically in older adults and neurological patients.